Riders in the Sky

 America's Favorite Cowboys
America's Favorite Cowboys 'n' Me!
Riders in the Sky are:
Ranger Doug, the Idol of American Youth (and my idol, as well!) His smooth baritone, incredible guitar playing, superb yodeling, and beautiful songwriting make RD an entertainer without peer in the western music genre.
Too Slim, the Man with a Dozen Friends (and I'm proud to say I'm one of 'em!) Too Slim's smooth bass lines, his clean harmonies, and his on-stage antics make any Riders in the Sky show an entertainment feast (for those of us "starved for entertainment")!
Woody Paul, the King of the Cowboy Fiddlers (and king of many hearts as well!) The incredible range of Woody's voice, combined with his matchless fiddle playing (he's never had a lesson!) make for a musical experience you'll never forget!
Joey, The CowPolka King (play dat funky music, Slovinian Boy!) As president of the Joey Fan Club and a confirmed polkaholic (as long as Joey's playing the polka!), I can honestly say that Joey has my heart for keeps! and
Texas Bix Bender, the Voice that Sold a Million Baby Chicks over Border Radio (what can I say? I'm a sucker for a deep-voiced announcer) TBB is not only a velvet-throated, deep-voiced announcer, a peerless purveyor of baby chicks, and a best-selling author of little humor books, he's also a long-time writer of Riders' Radio Theater and many of the Riders' television specials (and a Hee Haw writer, too!). TBB, you can sell me a baby chick any day!
View a complete discography of all the Riders' releases
RITS Show Reviews:
From the Archives (Recently re-discovered reviews of some Cincinnati shows, c. 1991 and 1992...):
Cincinnati, OhioRider's Radio Theater and Members' Night at the Zoo, June 10, 11, & 12, 1991
Cincinnati, OhioRider's Radio Theater, July 1 & 2, 1991
Cincinnati, OhioRider's Radio Theater, October 28 & 29, 1991
Cincinnati, OhioRider's Radio Theater, January 20 & 21, 1992
Cincinnati, OhioRider's Radio Theater, February 17 & 18, 1992
Cincinnati, Ohio, Members' Night at the Zoo and Moonlight Pavilion at Old Coney Amusement Park, June 11 & 12, 1992
More Recent Shows:
New Albany, Indiana, July 5, 1997
Bardstown, Kentucky, August 4, 1997
Nashville, Tennessee, (RITS's 20th anniversary on Prime Time Country), November 11, 1997
Nashville, Tennessee, (Rider's Radio Theater 20th anniversary taping), December 2, 1997
Dayton, Ohio, April 15, 1998
Asheville, North Carolina, May 26, 1998
Bryant, Indiana, August 10, 1998
Nashville, Tennessee (Grand Ole Opry appearance and HHH Benefit), February 26 & 27, 1999
Bryant, Indiana, The First Annual Riders in the Sky Cyberpal Gathering, June 13-15, 1999
Lexington, Kentucky, August 26, 1999
Cincinnati, Ohio, Rider's Radio Theater tapings, October 1 & 2, 1999

...or view a complete list of shows attended by donna j.

Or check out the official Riders in the Sky web site here!
Photos ©1992-2020 by donna j.