Time to Shine, CD, TDI, TT, CGC
                            (Summer 1986-April 7, 2000)
This is Time to Shine, CD, TDI, TT, CGC ("Sunny"). Sunny was not an elkhound, but she always thought she was. She was raised with McGee and lived with at least two elkies her entire life, sometimes many more. She came to live with us one day when Ed went out one morning to walk three dogs and came home with four! She had four kinds of worms, two kinds of mange, and was in an advanced state of starvation, looking somewhat like a fur-covered skeleton. We cancelled vacation and stayed home with her to nurse her back to health, and she grew up to be the most even-tempered, smartest dog we've ever had. Until less than a week before we found out she was sick and had to put her down, she was still actively working as a therapy dog at two different nursing homes in the Cincinnati area, and she was my very best friend. She's sorely missed by all who knew her. Goodbye, Sunny. Save me a place.
Sunny loved to go outside and play with her elkhound buddies, but when the elkhounds wanted to go outside and play in 18" of snow and -21°F temperatures, she needed a little extra insulation!
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Photos ©1998-2016 donna j.
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Sunny was another of our SANCTUM therapy dogs. She seemed to love the work. Sunny always loved going out to share her love with anyone who cared to receive it. Thank you, Sunny. You were a good girl, from beginning to end!
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